I also promised my students more information on other trematodes not mentioned in the text book. The lung fluke, Paragonimus westermani, relies on humans and felines as the definitive host. The adult worms live in small capsules embedded deep in the tissue of the host's lungs.

And if the flukes aren't alarming enough, there are the tapeworms, another class of flatworms, with 3400 species. These are gut parasites of all major vertebrate taxa, and also typically rely on vertebrate or arthropod intermediate hosts. In contrast with the fluke life cycles, the larval stages of the tapeworms are usually passive, and transmission to the next host relies on the intermediate host being eaten along with its tapeworm parasites. In the tapeworm that affects your dog, eggs are shed via the anus. The eggs are eaten by larval fleas and as the fleas mature, they are swallowed inadvertantly by the dog in its typically routine of licking, nibbling, and grooming. Once in the dog's gut, the tapeworms grow and produce copious eggs. When the eggs leave the dog, they are released in packets, tiny wriggling bits of the tapeworm itself, called proglottids. Dogs that scoot their bottoms along the floor are responding to the sensation of these eggs packets leaving their bodies.
In the pork tapeworm, Taenia solium, humans are the only definitive host. Eggs are shed with the host's feces and must be ingested by an intermediate host to continue the life cycle. The intermediate host is usually a pig, and the larvae encyst in the pig's muscle. Eating undercooked pork results in the cysts developing into adult worms in the intestines of its host. These worms can be several meters long and produce eggs for many years. This may sound plenty gross, but an even worse problem results if a human rather than a pig serves as an intermediate host by ingesting eggs. If a person infected with an adult tapeworm prepares food without adequately washing his hands, eggs can be ingested by anyone eating that food. Also, autoinfection is possible if someone with a tapeworm infection vomits. I leave the details for the reader to discern. In any case, the eggs also make cysts in the human as an intermediate host, but they are typically found in the lung, liver, eye, or brain, and have severe consequences.
That's enough revolting parasite stories for now. Don't worry, we'll get to nematodes shortly. In the meantime, you can always check out the latest from Carl Zimmer.
Because I can't resist corrupting more students: the agony and the ecstasy of penis fencing.
There's always room in an undergraduate education for a little corruption. Love the combo of flat narrative and sinister sound track that accompanies the racy footage. Many thanks.
is that image a cat lung? gross but very cool.
woah what a video miriam!
I could not resist commenting on that Caribbean flatworm. I know that flatworms are not that appealing but this flatworm is beautiful!!
Oh, and now I have a good reason not have a dog!!I have always not like dogs licking any where on my skin.
While I was reading about the flatworms now, what I have learned about the discovery of Doctor Aklilu Lemma in my 5th grade science class crossed my mind. Doctor Lemma discovered that the suds of a common African plant, endod or soapbery an be used as a potent molluscicide and Schistosomiasis. He found out about this while he was watching women wash thier clothes using endod around a river. He noticed the snails dying as a result of the berry. Here is a link about him.
Oh, not to forget that he is Ethiopian!:)
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