Sponges are typically described as the simplest of animals. In some ways, that’s a fair label. Their bodies are composed of only a
handful of cell types responsible for all the functions in a living sponge: covering the outside, pumping water through the inside, digesting food, making the skeleton (yes,
sponges have skeletons), and making gametes. These processes are all conducted at the cellular level, with no higher organization imposed. In contrast, there are
hundreds of unique types of cells in humans, which are arranged into tissues, organs, and systems.

But sponges should not be underestimated; they have some special attributes.
Archaeocytes, a cell type that is dispersed throughout the body of the sponge, are totipotent, meaning they retain the ability to give rise to any type of cell in the sponge. Totipotency is the quality that makes
human embryonic stem cells so attractive as a research tool and as a potential therapy for patients with certain types of cell damage due to disease or injury.
Actually, embryonic stem cells cannot make the extra-embryonic membranes or placenta, so they are not, strictly speaking, totipotent, and are
more precisely defined as pleuripotent. Virtually all animals begin life as a single, totipotent cell, the fertilized egg or zygote. (There are some exceptions to this assertion; can you think of an example?) During development, cell division and differentiation result in an increase in the number of cells and cell types, with various cell lines specialized for different tasks within the organism.
Sponges are likely to be the oldest animals. Thus, the retention of a large population of totipotent cells could be an ancestral trait within our kingdom. Amazing regenerative ability and powers of asexual reproduction, which depend on totipotent or pleuripotent stem cells, are
widespread among invertebrates.
It’s our bad luck as mammals that our cells that are capable of differentiating into all cells in the body are so elusive, found only very early in development, when the embryo is but a tiny ball of cells.